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Luca La Camera

PhD in adminsitrative law at the University of Milan

Luca La CameraOfficial for legal affairs at the Lombardy’s Giunta Regionale, for which he dealt with the juridical support of the participated companies. He is currently Chief of Staff of the Major of Magenta. He is PhD at the University of Milan, where he graduated with a thesis on metropolitan areas and local governments’ perspectives. He holds seminars and gives lessons at the Faculty of Law of the same University, on administrative law and public contracts.
He has worked as Parliamentary collaborator at the Italian Senate of the Republic and as assistant director of the President of the Province of Milan, dealing with substantial proposal for the metropolitan city of Milan. Author of the contributes in the volumes “Il ruolo degli enti locali nella programmazione europea” (EGEA, 2014) and “La città metropolitana nell’Unione europea. Programmazione comunitaria, esperienze europee a confronto e nuove prospettive” (EGEA, 2013).

