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Giuseppe Martino di Giuda

Researcher at the ABC Department of the Politecnico of Milan

Giuseppe Di GiudaScientific responsible of numerous projects of implementation of Building Information Modelling (BIM) for Public administrations, as an element of analysis of the optimization and of investments and energetic efficiency of buildings, and as experimentation of application of public tendering awarded with the most economically advantageous offer.
Responsible of the Project “Definizione Soft Landing per la Struttura di committenza del Progetto Iscol@” between the Regione Autonoma Sardegna and the Politecnico of Milan.
Since 2015 he is the scientific responsible of the research project for digitalization of RAI’s real estate. Proponent and scientific responsible of research and doctoral grants in BIM context and on its outcomes on Collaborative Procurement.
Director of the permanent training course “Modellazione IMM” (Information Model Management) at the Politecnico of Milan. Member of the Scientific Committee of the International Congress EUBIM. Founding Member of the European Association of Public-private partnerships.



“My work on public contracts began in 2007 with the PhD program, where I discussed a critical analysis of the application of public tenders’ norms. In my professional life, I have always dealt with public contracts, both as an architect and as counsellor for public administrations in the context of tender procedures, Construction Project Management and works supervision. At the moment, we are working on the introduction of BIM in public tenders’ procedures, on some pilot projects as the realization of a school in Melzo and the award of architectural and engineering contracts for a school in Liscate”.

Giuseppe Martino Di Giuda

