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E.A.P.P.P. takes part in the Workshop on the adaptation to the Italian legal context of the FAC-1 Framework Alliance Contract

The University of Milan hosted the Workshop on the adaptation to the Italian legal context of the FAC-1 Framework Alliance Contract, an innovative multilateral contract, which can be used by both public and private subjects involved in the implementation of a cooperation, consistent with the execution of works, services and supplies and E.A.P.P.P. has actively participated to the works as an institutional stakeholder invited to provide its feedback.
Prof. David Mosey, Professor at King’s College London and Director of the Centre of Construction Law and Dispute Resolution participated at the Workshop together with several Founding Members of E.A.P.P.P.: Prof. Avv. Sara Valaguzza, President of the Association, Avv. Alessandra Canuti, Vice President, Prof. Angelo Ciribini and Prof. Giuseppe Di Giuda.